US4CES Family of Camouflage as seen at AUSA 2012

November 1, 2012

US4CES™: ADS Inc./Guy Cramer finalist for the U.S. Army Phase IV Camouflage Program

US4CES (Pronounced U.S. Forces)

ADS and partner Guy Cramer Are Participating in the development of a new family of camouflage patterns for the U.S. Army that are effective across myriad environments.

Managed by PEO Soldier, the current effort entered Phase IV in January, 2012. Phase IV is a rigorous technical evaluation backed by solid scientific analysis and critical Soldier input from the field.

US4CES™ is designed specifically for the U.S. Army Family of Camouflage Program. These Digital Textured Patterns feature the latest advances in camouflage research for reduced signature and enhanced survivability.

Army testing results announcement expected in the next few months.

US4CES Woodland in ACU cut at AUSA in Washington D.C. last week. US4CES OCIE on bag in bottom right ADS Inc. US4CES Transitional camouflage in ACU cut with US4CES OCIE camouflage vest at AUSA 2012. US4CES OCIE on bag in bottom Left ADS Inc. US4CES Arid in ACU uniform at AUSA 2012. US4CES OCIE on bag in bottom right


US4CES Woodland pattern at AUSA 2012 in the ADS Inc. "Underway" cut uniform. The Uniform cut was developed by U.S. Tier 1 Special Operations

ADS Inc./Guy Cramer US4CES Family of Camouflage US4CES Woodland, Transitional, Arid and OCIE (coloration for Heavy Nylon Gear)- U.S. Army Finalist for their Phase IV Camouflage Improvement Program. Army testing results announcement expected in the next few months.

For more US4CES Camouflage information go to ADS U.S. Army Family of Camouflage Program – US4CES

For more Camouflage news go to the HyperStealth® Home Page

Patterns may only be used only with ADS Inc. permission.

HyperStealth is a Registered Trademark of HyperStealth Biotechnology Corp.

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