HyperStealth® SpecAm™ - Tropical
Wicked This Way Comes:
SpecAm was designed from natural leaf formations as a scalable fractal (feedback loop) to both blend and disrupt the user from the adversary. With animal concealment, camouflage is either a blend or a disruption pattern - not both. Most military camouflage until the 1990's had the same traits of one or the other. As digital patterns began to emerge, this blending with natural background noise was foremost and disruption was thought to occur with color choices, micropatterns (pixels) were effective in the blending but the larger macropatterns (blotches) were not large enough to effectively disrupt the human symmetry at tactical distances. KA2 addressed this oversight with a larger macropattern to allow for better blend and disruption. SpecAm uses both colors and fractal design to both blend and imitate natural depth and disrupt the outline of the user.
The uniform design is a warm weather version of the ACU (Army Combat Uniform) without zippers:
SpecAm was developed as an advanced digital pattern which has some characteristics of analog patterns but is actually purely digital in development. The overall design is actually made-up of one of the most complex micropattern digital matrixes (small digital pixels) yet developed.
This term Matrix was used to represent this style as there appears to be a structured order to the micropattern, unlike CADPAT and MARPAT when seen close-up. What usefulness does this micropattern add to the overall pattern at tactical distances? The SpecAm pattern matrix adds an element of color blending so the brain interprets many more than four colors at a distance. The matrix shading adds an element of virtual reality that allows the pattern to be more inconspicuous than would a pattern without these features. SpecAm Alpha series uniforms in this color scheme is now available to Pre-order from HyperStealth. New Article August 17, 2005: Something Wicked This Way Comes: New Special Operations (SpecAm) Digital Camouflage New Article September 3, 2005: The Science of SpecAm Digital Camouflage New Article October 1, 2005: Desert Vipers in the Sand - SpecAm Desert Viper revealed New Article October 9, 2005: Satellite Determined - Regional Specific SpecAm™ Camouflage New Article October 16, 2005: SpecAm HCD™ (High Contrast Disruption™) Woodland New Article October 20, 2005: SpecAm UT™ (Urbanized Terrain) New Article November 13, 2005: SpecAm Desert Jackal Camouflage HyperStealth News November 24, 2005: SpecAm Production Announcement For more Camouflage news go to the HyperStealth® Home Page These patterns are copyrighted ©2004 HyperStealth Biotechnology Corp., All Rights Reserved. Patterns may be licensed only with permission. |
This page and information © Copyright 2005, HyperStealth Biotechnology Corp., All Rights Reserved.
HyperStealth® is a Registered Trademark of HyperStealth® Biotechnology Corp.
"SpecAm" is a Trademark of HyperStealth® Biotechnology Corp.