HyperStealth® SpecAm™ Pre-Order Page
SpecAm Pre-Order Page March 9, 2006: For our first production run (SpecAm and Spec4ce) - manufacturing numbers are finalized – due to the 2 patterns and 6 color schemes (12 distinct sets) we are only manufacturing 20 uniforms in each color in each pattern in 8 different sizes for each set of 20 – 240 sets total (120 SpecAm and 120 Spec4ce). All Pre-orders at this time can and will be filled. May 6, 2006 A legal delay has held up production for the past three months, however this issue with SpecAm and Spec4ce has been resolved to allow production to begin in May and expected delivery to buyers around August 2006. Currently we are taking pre-orders for Alpha series SpecAm Jackets, Pants, Boonie Hats and our newest addition - Patrol Caps. HyperStealth will continue to take pre-orders at this time. The orders will be shipped on a first to pre-order basis as there will be limited quantities produced on this first run. All SpecAm customers were informed of these delays prior to this notice on the web site. All prices are in Canadian funds (You can convert to your own currency when ordering). We add an additional 15% for shipping. As of May 6, 2006 $1.00 CAD (Canadian) = 0.903587 USD (1 USD = 1.10670 CAD) see www.xe.com for up to date conversions of most major currencies. Canadian Residents will be charged 7% GST (Goods and Services Tax) You are responsible for any duties imposed on the shipment to your country. SpecAm Color Schemes available to order (links at bottom of page for more details on each pattern) Colors from the production run may be different than the evaluation colors shown below:
SpecAm Uniform Specs:
For the ACU with the addition of shoulder protection, leg holsters, packs, and extra harnesses for modern special operations it was decided to remove all buttons from pockets on the ACU except for the back pockets where they are concealed. Under combat conditions, soldiers with proper training have been able to maintain the Velcro so it continues to be clean. Zippers from the ACU (used for the same reason Velcro is used on the pocket closures) were replaced on the SpecAm with button fly and concealed button opening on the jacket as the zippers tend to jamb with sand, dirt and debris. New Article August 17, 2005: Something Wicked This Way Comes: New Special Operations (SpecAm) Digital Camouflage New Article September 3, 2005: The Science of SpecAm Digital Camouflage Press Release September 14, 2005: NxGenUSA Acquires U.S. license for HyperStealth® SpecAm™ Press Release September 22, 2005: HyperStealth® Camouflage goes Biotechnical New Article October 1, 2005: Desert Vipers in the Sand - SpecAm Desert Viper revealed New Article October 9, 2005: Satellite Determined - Regional Specific SpecAm™ Camouflage New Article October 16, 2005: SpecAm HCD™ (High Contrast Disruption™) Woodland New Article October 20, 2005: SpecAm UT™ (Urbanized Terrain) HyperStealth News November 24, 2005: SpecAm Production Announcement For more Camouflage news go to the HyperStealth® Home Page These patterns are copyrighted ©2004 HyperStealth Biotechnology Corp., All Rights Reserved. Patterns may be licensed only with permission. |
This page and information © Copyright 2005, HyperStealth Biotechnology Corp., All Rights Reserved.
HyperStealth® is a Registered Trademark of HyperStealth® Biotechnology Corp.
"SpecAm" is a Trademark of HyperStealth® Biotechnology Corp.
"SpecAm UT" is a Trademark of HyperStealth® Biotechnology Corp.
"SpecAm UD" is a Trademark of HyperStealth®
Biotechnology Corp.
"High Contrast Disruption" is a Trademark of HyperStealth®
Biotechnology Corp.