HyperStealth® SpecAm™ - UT™ (Urbanized Terrain)
SpecAm UT™ (Urbanized Terrain):
(October 20, 2005, Vancouver, B.C.) HyperStealth Biotechnology Corp. reveals the first authorized photos of the SpecAm UT (Urbanized Terrain) uniform. This the fourth SpecAm color scheme which is now available for civilian pre-order. SpecAm UT was specifically designed for the Alpha (civilian) series when collectors and camouflage enthusiasts contacted Hyperstealth to request a good urban color scheme, they were told that the SpecAm "Urban Dark" pattern was only planning to be sold to Law Enforcement and Military. HyperStealth listened to their requests and designed what they requested. SpecAm UT offers the greatest contrast between the brightest and darkest colors in the Urban Series. The similar colors with different shades offers a very textured look, forcing the brain to see something that is not usually covering the human shape, this depth effect is part of the disruption element that makes recognition more difficult as the eye perceives holes and is more likely to ignore the anomaly if the colors are close to background. Initially the Urban Grey was considered for the Alpha series however the camouflage enthusiasts commented that they wanted the weathered look of the Urban Dark and the Urban Grey was to clean looking. The final outcome of the colors provides the higher contrast than the "SpecAm UD (Urban Dark)" with the grunge colors of the sandbag and weathered grey. In keeping with the "No Black" requirement the color "shale" was used in it's place. The Fader Pixels (miniature pixels of equidistant placement) - specific to SpecAm's digital pattern, create a number of extra simulated colors at distances of greater than 15 feet. You'll notice in the close up samples provided that these fader pixels do not surround all portions of the pattern, this was done so regions of the pattern would appear to fade into other colors while others have a strong disruption between the colors which throws off the ability to focus on any one section. This creates a depth perspective that the brain has trouble recognizing. Lt. Col. Timothy R. O'Neill, PhD (U.S. Army, Ret.) the leading expert on camouflage science and Mr. Guy Cramer, President/CEO of HyperStealth and a leading camouflage developer, co-designed the SpecAm pattern as an advanced fractal camouflage. A fractal is any pattern that reveals greater complexity as it is enlarged. Fractals describe many real-world objects that do not correspond to simple geometric shapes. All fractals are derived from a 'positive feedback loop' when the output is fed back into the system as input and looped over and over.
Yes, but the bright grey in the UT (Left) is expected to be detrimental at night time whereas the SpecAm UD (Right) color scheme was designed with both Day and Night Operations in mind. The material and cut of the UT uniform is identical to the Urban Dark with Special Operations input on the design of the uniform. The uniform design for the SpecAm UT is a lightweight temperate weather version of the ACU (Army Combat Uniform) without zippers using 100% tightly woven cotton. All SpecAm uniforms are designed for wearing load bearing vests and/or flack vests which were now common in combat. Velcro has replaces the buttons for pockets as the vest tended to dig the buttons into the body. The mandarin collar is designed to be worn down or up for added protection from Bullet Proof Vest from chaffing the neck. A world leading Body Armor manufacturer has requested the SpecAm pattern material for manufacturing their new line of Digital Camouflaged Body Armor. SpecAm Uniform Specs:
For the ACU with the addition of shoulder protection, leg holsters, packs, and extra harnesses for modern special operations it was decided to remove all buttons from pockets on the ACU except for the back pockets where they are concealed. Under combat conditions, soldiers with proper training have been able to maintain the Velcro so it continues to be clean. Zippers from the ACU (used for the same reason Velcro is used on the pocket closures) were replaced on the SpecAm with button fly and concealed button opening on the jacket as the zippers tend to jamb with sand, dirt and debris. SpecAm Alpha series uniforms in this color scheme is now available to Pre-order from HyperStealth. New Article August 17, 2005: Something Wicked This Way Comes: New Special Operations (SpecAm) Digital Camouflage
Press Release September 14, 2005: NxGenUSA Acquires U.S. license for HyperStealth® SpecAm™ Press Release September 22, 2005: HyperStealth® Camouflage goes Biotechnical New Article October 9, 2005: Satellite Determined - Regional Specific SpecAm™ Camouflage New Article October 16, 2005: SpecAm HCD™ (High Contrast Disruption™) Woodland New Article November 13, 2005: SpecAm Desert Jackal Camouflage For more Camouflage news go to the HyperStealth® Home Page These patterns are copyrighted ©2004 HyperStealth Biotechnology Corp., All Rights Reserved. Patterns may be licensed only with permission. |
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HyperStealth® is a Registered Trademark of HyperStealth® Biotechnology Corp.
"SpecAm" is a Trademark of HyperStealth® Biotechnology Corp.
"SpecAm UT" is a Trademark of HyperStealth® Biotechnology Corp.
"SpecAm UD"
is a Trademark of HyperStealth®
Biotechnology Corp.
"High Contrast Disruption"
is a Trademark of HyperStealth®
Biotechnology Corp.